Anneli Schmidt

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Fasting for Health and the Benefits of Routines

In our busy lives, it's easy to forget about our own health and well-being, even if we've set goals and worked on them for years. However, I've come to realize just how important it is to prioritize our health and overall well-being by making lifestyle changes at every stage of our lives. Not just once, but continuously.

I've recently evaluated my progress and realized that my goals have changed. Our health is our most precious asset, and we have the power to nurture and protect it. By making intentional choices and embracing healthier habits, we can significantly enhance our overall well-being. Lifestyle changes can play a pivotal role in optimizing our health, from reducing the risk of chronic diseases to increasing our energy levels and promoting mental clarity.

For me, this commitment to health and fitness is not just a passing phase, but a profound shift in mindset. I was initially motivated to make changes in my life when my aunt was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in her fifties. She wasn’t much older than I was, and it made me realize that I needed to take care of myself. You can read more about my family history with Alzheimer’s here.

Now that I'm fifty-eight years old, and life has become more stressful, I've been remotivated to prioritize my health. With increased stress comes unhealthy coping mechanisms like eating more processed vegan food and drinking more wine, which isn't good for my health. Stress is a natural part of life, but it should have ebbs and flows. When it's constant, it can cause damage, and in my case, it's causing me to gain weight around my belly - the worst kind. Thank you cortisol!

I would love for you to join me on this transformative journey as I explore the key aspects of my revised plan for a healthier and fitter lifestyle. Together, we can inspire each other and work towards achieving our wellness goals.


At some point, we all reach a moment when we realize it's time to take action. Recently, I had that realization and decided to confront an issue I've been facing. Back in my 20s and 30s, whenever my clothes started feeling too tight, I naturally turned to fasting. Looking back, I realize I was actually practicing intermittent fasting intuitively, though I never fasted for more than 16 hours at a time. It just worked for me—I felt better, and my clothes fit better. Back then, it wasn't about the numbers on the scale; it was about how I felt looking at myself in the mirror and how my clothes fit.

Fast forward to today. Over the past few years, I've dabbled with intermittent fasting and found it to be an enjoyable and effective way to combat that stubborn waistline bulge. I never felt deprived, which made it much easier to stick to. However, I've also heard a lot about the benefits of a 36-hour fast for gut reset and fat burning. I've done my research. My mom used to fast occasionally and my sister has also practiced fasting for various reasons, and I've witnessed that it is indeed doable.

Initially, I never thought I could go beyond the 16-hour mark, but circumstances have pushed me to try new things. My motivation is to make a concentrated effort to lose the stubborn bulge that has increased. Furthermore, an incident earlier this year reinforced my belief in the power of fasting.

My husband went through the fasting and bowel cleansing prep for a colonoscopy, only to find out later that the date was incorrect. Despite the frustration, he noticed that his troublesome gastric symptoms he’d had for months completely disappeared a few days later. I believe the fast he did reset his gut! Books like "The Whole Body Microbiome" and "The Fiber Fueled Cookbook" discuss this in depth. *As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases through my links.

All these experiences and knowledge have strengthened my belief that a 36-hour fast will bring numerous benefits. While I haven't done it yet, it's on the horizon, and I promise to keep you updated on my progress. It's time for me to take charge and discover the positive changes that lie ahead.

Optimizing My Morning Routine: Fueling Productivity and Vitality

As a midlife woman, I know the importance of prioritizing my overall health, and that includes optimizing my morning routine. I've always been a morning person, and I've realized that my best work happens during those early hours. So, I've made it a priority to make my mornings as productive and energizing as possible. This is especially vital for women in midlife, as we navigate the unique health challenges and changes that come with reaching the age of fifty and beyond.

Understanding the impact of our circadian cycle and lifestyle on our sleep patterns, I've consciously worked on optimizing my mornings. Of course, life can sometimes throw us off track despite our best intentions. However, I prioritize sleep by aiming for a solid eight hours of rest. This duration has proven to be the sweet spot for feeling refreshed and waking up with ease.

To start my mornings on a positive note, I incorporate meditation into my routine. Whether it's in bed or on my patio, this practice helps set a peaceful and focused mindset for the day ahead. Additionally, I continue the habit of writing my morning pages, allowing me to clear my mind and express my thoughts.

Building upon these established practices, my next step is consistently integrating my workout within the first few hours of waking up. Research suggests that cortisol levels, the hormone responsible for keeping the body active, peak within the first 45 minutes to 2 hours after waking. Leveraging this hormonal surge, I engage in exercise during this timeframe. Personally, I prefer working out in a fasting state, though I acknowledge that this approach may not suit everyone. By doing so, I maximize the benefits of utilizing the increased cortisol levels to fuel my workout.

These are steps I fully utilize in the morning hours for self-care activities. Additionally, I make it a point to expose myself to morning light, as it plays a crucial role in anchoring our circadian rhythm, maintaining a healthy sleep-wake cycle, and regulating our hormones.

By embracing this optimized morning routine, I can accomplish projects first thing in the morning when I’m more able to concentrate and engage in this type of activity and nurture my well-being before starting my “day job” as a nurse. While I've actively worked on refining this routine, sharing it with others motivates me even further to stay committed and consistent.

Creating a powerful start to my day not only benefits my physical health but also enhances my mental and emotional well-being. As midlife women, it's essential for us to prioritize self-care and establish routines that support our overall health goals. With a purposeful morning routine, we can set a positive tone for the rest of the day and navigate midlife with vitality and resilience.

Evening Routine and Sleep Habits: Restoring Balance and Recharging

Just as prioritizing our mornings is crucial, establishing a calming evening routine and adopting healthy sleep habits are equally important for our overall well-being. By implementing a few simple practices, we can optimize our sleep and recharge for the next day.

One essential aspect of a bedtime routine is reducing exposure to bright light sources in the evening. Scientific studies have shown that dimming lights and limiting exposure to bright screens, such as computers and smartphones, can enhance the natural production of sleep hormones. In my own routine, I make it a point to dim the lights and avoid bright screens at least an hour before bedtime. Additionally, I've rediscovered the joy of reading before bed. Engaging in a purely entertaining book helps me unwind and relax, promoting a peaceful transition into sleep.

Another factor that influences sleep quality is the timing of our last meal. Research suggests that eating too close to bedtime can hinder sleep. The recommendation is to allow a 2-3 hour gap between your last meal and bedtime. While challenging, especially after a long workday, I've found ways to manage it. One approach I adopt is having a more substantial meal at lunchtime, which helps curb my evening hunger. I've noticed that this adjustment positively impacts my sleep quality.

Now, let's talk about alcohol—a common indulgence many of us enjoy to unwind after a hectic day. While it may seem like a way to relax, it can actually disrupt our sleep cycles. Consumption of alcohol before bed can interfere with the quality of our sleep and leave us feeling less refreshed upon waking. It's a habit I'm personally working on, aiming to limit my alcohol intake as much as possible to prioritize a restful night's sleep.

Establishing a calming evening routine and adopting healthy sleep habits allows us to restore balance and recharge. As women in midlife, it's crucial to nurture our well-being throughout the day, from morning to night. By consciously prioritizing our sleep and implementing a soothing routine, we can experience the transformative power of a good night's rest and wake up ready to tackle the day ahead.

Action Items

  1. Try a 36-hour fast for gut reset and fat burning

  2. Consistently integrate workout within the first few hours of waking up

  3. Expose oneself to morning light to anchor circadian rhythm, maintain a healthy sleep-wake cycle, and regulate hormones

  4. Dim lights and avoid bright screens at least an hour before bedtime

  5. Rediscover the joy of reading before bed to unwind and relax

  6. Allow a 2-3 hour gap between the last meal and bedtime

  7. Limit alcohol intake to prioritize a restful night's sleep

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