Eight Reasons Why Forest Bathing Is Good For You

So, I have to say the first time I heard the expression “Forest Bathing,” I laughed, maybe not out loud, but I know I rolled my eyes. I immediately thought, what??? I felt someone hijacked the simple act of a hike in the woods, and they’ve given it a new-age name. I felt annoyed and offended. But I was curious to know what they meant by Forest Bathing; I started looking into it.

One of the reasons I felt offended and put off by this new age, Forest Bathing, is that nature has been a massive part of our culture for us Finns. After all, I come from a country known as “a land of a thousand lakes.”

forest with a trail

I have to admit, I’m a bit of an embarrassment to my heritage, and my family would agree wholeheartedly. The simple act of going for a walk (not a hike) but a walk in the woods seems like an arduous task. If I tell you that I have the most beautiful forests just up the road from me (up the road means up the hill) and if I go down our street there is a lovely park with trails, and a beautiful river, you would understand, that I’m not the poster child for Finland. I’m not going to dwell on the negative because that’s not what my fifties are all about! I’m going to keep learning, evolving, and doing the best I can now. 

“Shinrin-yoku is a term that means “taking in the forest atmosphere” or “forest bathing.” It was developed in Japan during the 1980s and has become a cornerstone of Japanese medicine's preventive health care and healing. Researchers primarily in Japan and South Korea have established a robust body of scientific literature on the health benefits of spending time under the canopy of a living forest. Now their research is helping to establish shinrin-yoku and forest therapy throughout the world. ”


green leaves

Plants and trees emit a substance called phytoncide. This substance helps trees and plants protect themselves against harmful insects and germs. It is thought that as we walk through the woods, we inhale this substance, and in turn, the phytoncide enters our body and helps our cells fight off disease. What a wonderful thing! When I read this, I just wanted to run to the woods and hang out for hours! JK. But, it has given me a great incentive to spend more time in the forest. When I go for a walk in the woods, it’s usually a fast-paced hike with my sister; I still come out of there feeling so good and relaxed. Why am I not doing it more often? Well, that’s about to change!

Eight Benefits of Forest Bathing

  1. Boost immune system

  2. Reduce blood pressure

  3. Reduce stress

  4. Improved mood

  5. Increased ability to focus

  6. increased energy levels

  7. Improved sleep

  8. Increase in happiness

Once I started reading about Forest Bathing in articles by the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy, I began to appreciate the thought and science that brings people to a healthy place to calm their spirits and help their bodies heal. Interestingly, it should be done without a hurry and a specific destination when you do this. You should slowly walk in the woods, touch the trees, relax and breathe deeply. It’s not an exercise in its proper form but more of a therapeutic, meditative walk. The great thing about this is that if you’re able to walk, you can do this, and even though your pulse rate isn’t being revved up, you are still benefiting greatly.

I’m making a vow to myself not to let all this nature I’m so fortunate to have around me not be part of my life. What do you think of Forest Bathing? Have you heard of this term before? I hope you are as fortunate as I am to be in a forest in a matter of minutes if you choose to.


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